Thursday, March 6, 2008

Leeeeeeeaaaaaviiiiiiinnnng on a jet plane...

Or, you know, four of them. Leaving for Honduras in the morning, and I am super pumped! Stops in Portland, LA, and Miami, of course, but upon landing I will be in the land of great coffee, plantains, beans, and just all-around great times. I shall be back in a little over a week. There will be pictures and recaps. Woot!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Camera Worries

I got a new camera last week - a refurbished Nikon CoolPix L11. It arrived on Friday, it was shiny and black and gorgeous. It had red-eye reduction. I fell irretrievably in love.

For its inaugural outing, we took it out on Saturday night to an 80s party. After the party we went to Dempsey's. After Dempsey's we went to the Satellite. Somewhere along the way the screen broke. I don't know when or how, the boy had it in his coat pocket, but there was nothing else in his pocket for the camera to slam against.

I am heartbroken.

There is one silver lining: The camera still takes pictures, and I can still upload them to my laptop. So if nothing else, I can bring the camera to Honduras with me this weekend and just take a lot more pictures; that way I can delete the crappy ones once we're back.

But still. I want my shiny new love object back.