Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Birthday Surprises

For my birthday, my darling boyfriend got me an air hockey table, which he and his brother were "testing" when I returned from Greenbluff, walnuts, hazelnuts, pickled green beans, honey, cider, and pies in tow. Six of us gathered on Sunday to eat delicious chili, presided over by myself and my boyfriend's sister in law. We also baked the Golden Apple pie from Walther's Fruit Ranch. Outstanding apple pie. I opted not to taint my pie with COOL WHIP (shudder) like a couple of people did, but to each their own. I'd venture that this pie was good enough to overwhelm the nastiness of Cool Whip anyway.

As far as cheesy goodness goes, it was not lacking one bit! I made a plate chock-full of the various cheeses I had in the fridge - six cheeses, which is quite a lot, and technically cheese plates should have an odd number, but it WAS an informal gathering. Comté, Fromage Blanc, Up in Smoke, Purple Haze, Bartlett Blue, and Rogue River Blue! It was the last of the Rogue River until next September, and I'll cover the delights of that cheese in a separate post because it is that good.

Then on my actual birthday (Monday) the boy surprised me yet again with a magnum of Chimay Blue. It was delicious. Malty but refreshing... yum. According to the website, Chimay Blue ages well, particularly when it is the magnum. We're going to have to get a few more bottles and age them for awhile!

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