Sunday, February 10, 2008

Pocket Michelle

On Friday I went to the Obama rally at the Fox theater. The newly restored Fox is absolutely stunning inside, with super luxurious decor. It's like an Art Deco heaven. Anyway, the doors were to open at 3pm, and I planned to meet up with some friends at the Fox a bit after 2pm. Well, I got there and the line was already around the block! Good thing they planned to get there so early. I moved my car to Riverpark Square and then ran back, whereupon I discovered they had opened the doors early and my friends were already inside. So I ran to the back of the line, and managed to get in and have a great seat saved for me.

Michelle Obama was just awesome in every way. Very personable, funny, brilliant, and inspirational. Prior to her getting up on stage, a lot of the rally felt like, well... a high school pep rally with cheesy skits. But Michelle rocked the house. If I had been undecided, she would have swayed me for sure. Hell, afterward my friends and I agreed that we would gladly vote for HER to be president!

On our way back to our cars, we agreed that it would be really spiffy to have a pocket-sized Michelle to have with you all the time. She could inspire you, give advice, tell you when you're selling out, beeyatch. And so forth. And yes, my pocket Michelle would call me a beeyatch if I'm not doing the right thing. I think this could be a real moneymaker, and it would really just be good in every way. I'd also like a pocket Tim Gunn. And maybe a pocket really smart lawyer to help me take the bar.

As a nifty aside, I caucused yesterday and am now a delegate. Woot!


Sara Habein said...

Even my republican grandma said, "I like the way she scoots around," which I guess is grandma-speak for she likes the way Michelle Obama carries herself.

Kate said...

Just for that, I'm going to start using the phrase "the way she scoots around." Because that's just awesome.

Sara Habein said...

She also refuses to remember the word bagel-- instead it's "those things with the hole in them."

Doughnuts are still doughnuts though.